The aim of this simple book is threefold. Firstly we are going to show you what makes the BeefEater such a special barbecue. Secondly, we are going to teach you how to drive it and finally we have included a number of Australian and international recipes designed to take advantage of your new found expertise. Just one word about the recipes themselves, which are divided into their respective categories of beef, lamb, fish, etc. At the beginning of each section, we illustrate a number of ways to barbecue the item itself, followed by a series of recipes that range from simple, to complex. At the end of each recipe we have featured a section which highlights the liquid refreshments that should be served with the meal–this is of prime importance to many Australians. We also feature the suggested side dishes that in our opinion complement the recipe. Lastly, we are proud of our Ausralian heritage. So throughout this book you will find some Australian’isms, a little Aussie humour, even some good ole ocker slang. For our overseas owners who haven’t been exposed to the rather unique Australian way of life and need translation–the glossary of terms at the back of the book will reveal all!