Emmet Otter is a Muppets based televised special that originated in Toronto for CBC in 1977. It features a quartet of zany characters. These are Gretchen Fox, Yancy Woodchuck, Alice Otter, and Wendell Porcupine. They have one goal in mind: to earn enough money to buy a nice Christmas gift.
Although the show is a bit old now, it’s still worth watching. The musical numbers and the sexy sexy selves of the cast are sure to impress even the most hardened of heart. For those who haven’t yet seen the show, you can watch it on Amazon Prime Video.
It’s not surprising that Jim Henson’s puppet musical special has become a perennial favorite among Muppet fans. In fact, the movie received its own CD soundtrack. And as with all things Henson, the quality of the music is first rate. Among the many accolades, the show’s “When the River Meets the Sea” is a notable contender.
The song is a riff on O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi”, but with some of the music being performed by an actual jug band. This is not a new concept for Henson, as he has been known to produce one-hour television adaptations of popular Muppet stories.
In addition to the musical numbers, the show also boasts a number of other gimmicks. One of these is the fact that it was made by a man who wrote the book. His name is Paul Williams, and he has written songs for several of Henson’s productions.