The Best Barbeque in Kansas City

barbeque in kansas city

Barbeque is more than a menu item or a cooking technique in Kansas City. It’s an institution, an important chapter in the region’s history, and a source of regional pride. It’s the reason former presidents have dined at KC’s famous barbecue restaurants, and why locals take their meats (and the corresponding sauces) seriously.

There are approximately 100 barbecue restaurants in Kansas City, and they run the gamut from casual road-style pits to white tablecloths. The most acclaimed, though, are known for a distinctive style of sweet sauce that’s thicker than other regional varieties.

Kansas City’s barbecue craze can be traced to Henry Perry, who began cooking meats in an outdoor pit adjacent to his streetcar barn and serving slabs of it wrapped in newspaper. It wasn’t long before other entrepreneurs followed suit, adapting their techniques and offering their own unique recipes for barbecue.

Some of the best Kansas City barbecue restaurants serve a wide variety of meats, including chicken, pork and beef, along with sides like baked beans, potato salad and cobbler. Others specialize in particular cuts of meat or are known for their signature sandwiches, such as the Z-Man at Joe’s Kansas City, which combines brisket and provolone.

No matter your inclination, one of these spots is sure to satisfy. Some are historic and some are newer, but all have made their mark on the city’s culinary legacy. Just make sure to show up early, as lines for some of these spots can extend out the door and down the block.