When making a barbeque burger, it’s important to avoid under-cooking the patty. To prevent this, make sure the burger is as flat as possible, with a shallow depression in the center. This will prevent the patty from bulging during the cooking process and minimize shrinkage. The burger should also be shaped so that its outer edges are thicker than its inner ones.
Before cooking your burger, prepare the grill. Grease it well and heat it up to medium. You should also leave sufficient space between the burgers. Cook the patty on medium-high heat until the burgers turn golden brown and have a slight char on the bottom. Flip the burger over when it is golden brown and the liquid on the uncooked surface has collected. Avoid pressing too hard when flipping the burger or it may lose its juices and cause flare-ups.
The patty should be well-seasoned with barbecue sauce and rub. You can use bacon to make it smokier. For more char, use thick-cut bacon slices, pillowy onion rolls and romaine lettuce leaves. For additional vegetables, add a slice of fresh tomato.
Once the burger is well-seasoned, it’s time to shape it into burger patties. Place the patties on a grill or a pan with oil. Make sure the burgers are cooked all the way through, but they should not be pink inside. After cooking, add two slices of cheese. When the cheese has melted, place the burger on a plate and top with onion rings. Finally, add some bacon slices and barbeque sauce if desired.